
Our artists will…

Create a developed, distinctive portfolio

Have access to local creative and professional mentors

Receive college application and enrollment support

Receive college studio art credits

Be connected with a creative internship

Curate and exhibit in group shows

Sell their artwork

Engage in a community of peers working toward similar creative goals!


We’ll identify students first semester of their Freshmen year. During second semester, we will work with selected students at their schools one day a week to lay down a visual foundation on which they can build for the rest of high school.


Sophomore students will complete a dual enrollment Drawing I course where they simultaneously earn college and high school credit. Students will curate and exhibit their work each semester and receive feedback from college professors and local professional artists.


Juniors will complete a dual enrollment 2D Design course where they simultaneously earn college and high school credit. Students will curate and exhibit their work each semester and receive feedback from college professors and local professional artists.


Sketch Basin seniors will receive support with college application and enrollment, as well as scholarship research. During this year, students will also be connected with an internship or apprenticeship in their specific creative field of interest.