Our Values


Being a part of the Sketch Basin family means that we constantly work to absorb and embody our core values in new ways. We are, individually and collectively, works in progress. And we believe the process is often more important than the product. At Sketch Basin, we …

Create BIG Things

As a Sketch Basin artist, I create my future and it’s big. I am pursuing my unique creative voice and message, which will shape my life and impact my communities.

Cut a different path

We create new paths for ourselves. We avoid the well-worn path of others. We look for ways to live outside of our comfort zones; in the work we make, the processes we use to create, the experiences we pursue, the people we surround ourselves with.

Protect Dignity

I am worthy of respect. I am committed to the humanity and importance of all people with whom I interact, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and economic status. I actively fight to honor that importance in all of my decisions.

Be Relentless

No one else can set my goals or pursue them. I have to do it. In the face of immense difficulty, I will not stop taking steps forward. I am bigger and more powerful than the challenges I will face.

We Can’t Do it Alone

The paths we are cutting and the important things we’re creating cannot be accomplished in isolation. We need each other to make our individual dreams real.